Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Going About Movie Auditions

1. Ensure that you arrive early for the audition. Do not try to arrive right on time, this will not give you sufficient time to get into character or practice. Arriving late is absolutely out of the question. Try to get to the audition venue as early as you can. This will allow you adequate enough time to rehearse and practice before going on stage.

2. Do not dress as the character you are playing when you go for your movie audition. Dress the way you would dress when you want to impress someone. Ensure you look kempt and your clothes should be immaculate. In any case, if the casting directors would like to put you in wardrobe and makeup then they will do so. This is because it is like a job interview. Dress to impress, but not in character.

3. Research about the movie project beforehand. This will keep you informed. Having this research done will also enable you to know what is expected of you. Research on the director of the movie will help you anticipate what to expect from them. Background information on the character you are auditioning for will help you tune into the psyche of that character. This will give you an edge over the other people auditioning for the same role as you will have connected with the character. You want to use as much emotion as possible, and show them that you can truly become the character you're trying to play.

4. If you have been given some lines to memorize for your audition, make sure that you have memorized them beforehand. Reading from a script will not give you flexibility in your performance. Ensure you know your lines by heart and even practice them with your friends repeatedly. Also practice on your own in front of a mirror every day or even without the mirror. You want to incorporate facial expressions and body movements with the performance that you give to full show the affects of the character and what they are saying or doing. It will put a more dramatic effect on your performance.

5. If you miss this audition, it is not the end of the world. Many actors did not get their big break on their first audition so you should not expect the same. Remain hopeful and attend even more auditions. You should also ask the director why you did not get the part. Knowing this information can improve the way you act for future auditions. You should not let this get you down. It might take a few tries and auditions to get you to where you want to be. Once you get there however, you can feel more confident about your acting abilities.
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:) :-) :)) =)) :( :-( :(( :d :-d @-) :p :o :>) (o) [-( :-? (p) :-s (m) 8-) :-t :-b b-( :-# =p~ :-$ (b) (f) x-) (k) (h) (c) cheer

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